O CRU Creative Hub, o Artcor Creative Center e a Quarteirão Criativo juntaram esforços no sentido de dinamizarem um evento de partilha de conhecimentos, aprendizagem colectiva e de socialização e networking, tendo como tema a “Criatividade e Colaboração” para o desenvolvimento de um “Creative District“.
Assim, este evento teve um programa variado de actividades, iniciando-se por um Painel de Discussão com convidados nacionais e internacionais, seguido de uma sessão de informação à comunidade local sobre as actividades do quarteirão e, ainda de uma sessão de ideação /co-criação com a finalidade de desenvolver as ideias geradas nas iniciativas anteriores sobre cada dimensão de Bombarda (dimensão social / urbana / eventos / comunicação colectiva, etc).
Por fim, moradores, comerciantes, parceiros e amigos juntaram-se para celebrar a criatividade e a colaboração, acompanhados por boa música, petiscos e um copo de vinho.
O evento realizou-se no Garagem, as instalações do Canal 180 e dos Fahr 021.3 (Rua de Miguel Bombarda, 425).

18h15 - 18h30 - Café de Boas Vindas / Welcome Coffee
Com o apoio da Senzu Coffee Roasters
18h30 - 19h30 - Creativity and Innovation for Collaboration - Panel Discussion (EN)
A criatividade e a inovação podem desempenhar um papel significativo na melhoria da colaboração nos distritos criativos. Ao mesmo tempo, podemos afirmar que a colaboração entre vizinhos e membros da comunidade é muitas vezes um gatilho para a inovação e desenvolvimento local dos territórios.
A criatividade e a inovação geralmente surgem quando pessoas de diferentes formações e disciplinas se reúnem para trocar perspectivas e trabalhar juntas para criar novas ideias. Esse processo geralmente requer experimentação, tomada de riscos e resistência ao fracasso.
Neste painel de discussão convidamos os nossos convidados a apresentar as suas perspectivas sobre como mapear e tecer um território criativo, desenvolver uma cultura de experimentação e encorajar a colaboração interdisciplinar num bairro como a Bombarda.
Marina has M.A. degrees in Art History and English Language and Literature; Mediterranean Arts and in Cultural Heritage Management from universities in Croatia, France and Spain. In the last years she has been working as a cultural manager at the international level and as a research coordinator at Edgeryders – a collective intelligence community.
Marina is one of the co-founders of Culture Hub Croatia – Platform for Education, Creativity and Development through Culture, managing the creative hub PROSTOR based in Split. She is on a mission to support the local cultural and creative sector through participatory projects and community building initiatives. At CHC her main focus is strategic development and international cooperation.
Creative by nature, Designer by training and Innovator by passion. Joana is a Portuguese who likes to travel the world and aims to help building a better one!She believes that companies can and must have a fundamental role in changing users behavior towards more conscious values, through the development of new projects with a positive impact.Joana Moreira is a consultant in Innovation and Sustainability and a content creator. Master in Design from ESAD Matosinhos and postgraduate in Product and Service Innovation at Porto Design Factory (ME310 – Stanford) and recently attended the sustainable management program at Porto Business School.
For 2 and a half years she taught teams in innovation programs in Germany and Finland, which involved several universities (Stanford Univeristy, Swinburne University, University of St. Gallen, and many more) and large companies (SAP, Xylem, Sonae MC, among others) around the world.
Since 2018, Joana has collaborated with different organizations such as Mindshake, Homa Design, Associação Porto Digital and Porto Business School on topics related to Design Thinking, Innovation and Sustainability.
Mihail is a culture, communication and community manager with 5 years of experience in cultural and creative industries projects. Engaging creatives to interact and collaborate, by forming teams and collaborate on projects. At first 2 years within the 1090 Studio project and after in the management team of the first Creative Hub in Moldova, Artcor.
A culture and project manager with 9 years of experiences in a variety of projects that facilitated the coagulation of different creative communities.
A creative director and creative communication expert with 10 years of experience. Starting with 4 years of leading a creative department in a big creative agency, to establishing an independent media and managing the Creative Communication department.
Tânia Almeida Santos was born and is based in Porto, Portugal. She is graduated in Psychology and is a Master practitioner in Economics and Innovation Management.
In 2012 she founded CRU, a Creative Hub dedicated to developing a multidisciplinary and extensive community of professionals from the creative industries. In 2019 Tânia was elected, and reelected in 2022, as vice-president of European Creative Hubs Network, a non-profit organization that aims to connect and support creative hubs across Europe.
In 2022 she co-founded Quarteirão Criativo – Associação para o Desenvolvimento Local, a non-profit organization that aims to promote Bombarda – the Creative District of Porto in it’s multi-dimensions: cultural, social, urbanistic, environmental and and economic, in a local, regional and international level.
19h30 - 19h45 - O que se passa em Bombarda? - sessão de informação (PT)
Sessão de Informação sobre as recentes actividades da Quarteirão Criativo.
19h45 - 20h45 - Bombarda em CriAção! - sessão de ideação (PT)
Sessão de ideação da comunidade, facilitada pela Mindshake.
Katja Tschimmel is consultant and executive trainer, researcher and lecturer, coach and conference speaker. She is the founder of MINDSHAKE, brand of Na’Mente – Consultancy and Training of Creative Thinking and Design.
As a trainer and facilitator, Katja has years of experience in the conception and realisation of workshops about Creativity and Innovation, Creative Processes in Organisations, Creative Thinking Tools and (Service) Design Thinking. Having a Ph.D in Design and a Masters in Applied Creativity, Katja researches in the fields of Creative Thinking, Design Thinking and Creative Processes.
She presents her work in national and international conferences, having been keynote speaker in numerous international conferences. She publishes regularly in the area of creativity and design, and has published the books “Creativity and Innovation Affairs” (2022), “CriAtivaMente/TheCreativeMind/CreA(c)tivaMente” (2020), “The Creativity Virus” (2019) and “Processos Criativos” (2011). She is the author of the Design Thinking model Evolution 6, which is licensed by Creative Commons, CC by-SA since 2015.
Katja believes that raising awareness about the factors which incentives creativity, contributes to more efficiency in innovation processes. Currently Katja is Guest Professor at Porto Business School, at FEP (Economy Faculty of Porto University) and FEUP (Engineering Faculty of Porto University). For 9 years she was Guest Professor at Laurea -University of Applied Science in Helsinki, and for 15 years she was Professor at the College of Arts and Design in Matosinhos (ESAD), where she coordinated the European research project D-Think and the first Post-Graduation Course in Design Thinking in Portugal. By invitation she teaches in several other educational institutions in Portugal (FBAUP/Porto, TecMinho/Guimarães, etc.) and abroad (Elisava/Barcelona, Fatih University/Istanbul, BHSAD/Moscow, Humboldt University/Berlin, Széchenyi István University/Hungary, etc.).
Katja supervises many Masters and Ph.D dissertations and participates in numerous academic juries. She is a member of several international scientific committees for peer reviews.
Photos by Matilde Cunha
Este evento é financiado pela European Creative Hubs Network, através do programa Peer-to-Peer, e integra também a programação da Semana Mundial da Criatividade e Inovação.
Agradecemos o apoio do Canal 180, da Fahr 021.3, da MindShake, da Matéria Prima, da Bardo Creative Ground, do CCBombarda, da Circus Network, do Gallery Hostel, do Take a Break, da Senzu, da Vinha D’Avó, da Escama Films, da Matilde Cunha, da Flymedia e da Escola de Comércio do Porto.