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Meetup | Distritos Criativos e as Suas Comunidades

By Julho 4, 2023Abril 17th, 2024No Comments

Distritos Criativos são geralmente caracterizados por uma alta concentração de indústrias criativas e uma cena cultural vibrante. Estão também, frequentemente, na vanguarda da revitalização urbana, fixando ecossistemas de classes criativas em áreas subutilizadas e influenciando a dinâmica das cidades e a compreensão dos cidadãos sobre uma cidade habitável.

Neste evento, co-organizado pela Quarteirão Criativo (Bombarda, Porto) e pelo Garagen-Campus (Chemnitz) ocupámo-nos a pensar os principais factores que podem nutrir o desenvolvimento local destes lugares criativos e a prosperidade das suas comunidades.

Esta iniciativa foi realizada no âmbito do TWIN HUBS – um programa de intercâmbio/mobilidade promovido pela European Creative Hubs Network e Goethe Institute Brussels, que permitiu a Bombarda e a Garagen-Campus explorarem semelhanças e desafios comuns.

O evento realizou-se no Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis.


19:10 - 19:30 Sessão de Abertura (PT)

Tânia Almeida SantosCRU Creative Hub / ECHN / Quarteirão Criativo

Tânia Almeida Santos nasceu e vive no Porto, Portugal. É licenciada em Psicologia e tem um mestrado em Economia e Gestão da Inovação.

Em 2012 fundou o CRU, um Creative Hub dedicado a desenvolver uma comunidade multidisciplinar e alargada de profissionais das indústrias criativas. Em 2019, Tânia foi eleita, e reeleita em 2022, como vice-presidente da European Creative Hubs Network, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que visa ligar e apoiar hubs criativos em toda a Europa. Em 2022 foi co-fundadora do Quarteirão Criativo – Associação para o Desenvolvimento Local, uma organização sem fins lucrativos que visa promover Bombarda – o Distrito Criativo do Porto nas suas múltiplas dimensões: cultural, social, urbanística, ambiental e económica, a nível local, regional e internacional.

19:20 - 20:30 Panel Discussion “Co-location as a catalyst for development” (EN)

Creative Districts are generally characterized by a high concentration of creative industries and a vibrant cultural scene. They are also often at the forefront of urban revitalization, anchoring ecosystems of creative classes in underutilized areas and influencing city dynamics and citizens’ understanding of a livable city.

In this event, co-organized by Quarteirão Criativo (Bombarda, Porto) and Garagen-Campus (Chemnitz), we are mainly interested in thinking about the main factors that can nurture the local development of these creative places and the prosperity of their communities.

In a fluid conversation with international and local experts and authorities we will explore the role of creativity in urban regeneration, the latent power of the collective intelligence in place-making and urban planning and the weight of co-location and smart specialization for the prosperity of these creative communities.  

Cátia FernandesBombarda Quarteirão Criativo

Graduated in Communication Sciences, with a specialization in Journalism, passionate about the editorial area in the areas of design, architecture and culture. She was director of the decoration and architecture publication House Traders (between 2006 and 2010), and later co-founded Pegada Criativa, where she directed, between 2010 and 2016, the creative department and was responsible for managing the national and international communication of several brands. She was Co-founder and Director of the editorial project ROOF Magazine (2015), a publication of character international center focused on urban culture, design and architecture. She organized and moderated important events and conferences (national and international) in the area of research in Communication Sciences, while advisor to the Center for Communication Studies and Society of the University of Minho. In 2020, she co-founded Bardo Creative Ground, a creative agency content for design brands, and Stay Wise, an independent publishing store, both headquartered in Miguel Bombarda’s Arts Quarter, in Porto.

Ricardo ValentePorto Municipality

Ricardo Valente is City Councilor for Economy, Employment and Entrepreneurship and City Councilor for Finance, Economic Activities and Inspectorate. 

He is Board Member of Porto Vivo – Porto Urban Rehabilitation Society and a professor at the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto and at PBS – Porto Business School.

Ricardo Valente has a Master’s degree in finance and a MBA in finance from the Catholic University of Lisbon, and a degree in Economics from the University of Porto.

José Carlos MotaAveiro University

José Carlos Mota is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Social, Political and Territorials of the University of Aveiro (U) and a researcher from GOVCOPP. He was the Director of the MSc in Urban and Regional Planning from 2016 to 2020 and board member of the UA Cycling Technological Platform from 2014 to 2018. He has been involved in several national and international research projects on participatory planning and cycling mobility. Presently he coordinates several collaborative processes in Portugal related to urban development as sustainability, especially in the Metropolitan Area of Oporto (Maia, Valongo and Gaia) and is involved in the European Biodivercities projects, promoted by the Joint Research Centre – European Commission. Recently he began the coordination of an important study of the Portuguese Social Innovation Ecosystem. At the same time, he participates in research projects in the field of mobility, namely BOOST Starter Cycling Cities, financed by the FCT, and UAUBIKE, supported by POSEUR. He has been involved in civic initiatives in favour of cities and cycling.

Tina Winkel Garagen-Campus

Tina is an event manager, cultural scientist and culture and media educator. Since her first visit to a European Capital of Culture in 2009, the subject has become her passion. She works at Age of Artists and, as a project coordinator, accompanies the development process of the garage campus as an intervention area for the European Capital of Culture Chemnitz 2025.

20:45 - 21:00 Guided Visit to Exhibition “Untold Stories: Bombarda & Chemnitz” (PT + EN)

Exposição “Untold Stories: Bombarda & Chemnitz”

Exposição com a curadoria dos dois Hubs, na qual lançaremos o olhar sobre histórias desconhecidas de personagens que fazem parte das camadas dos dois territórios (Bombarda, no Porto, e Chemnitz).

Quem são, o que fazem e quais as suas histórias? Que narrativas únicas criam, que projetos inovadores e contribuições edificam nas suas comunidades?

A exposição Untold Stories – Bombarda and Chemnitz apresentará 10 objetos (5 + 5 em representação de cada Hub Criativo), com o propósito de celebrar e inspirar pela criatividade, destacando talentos, ideias e histórias que muitas vezes passam despercebidos.


Contadores de histórias de Chemnitz:

Wilhelm Reichel e Andreas Kruse

Jovens voluntários do Estado Federal da Renânia-Palatinado


Poesie Europas – Lieder, die über Grenzen gehen

Leonore Cebulla


Contadores de histórias de Bombarda:

Álvaro Negrello

Ana Cancela

Catarina Azevedo & Pedro Barros

Gémeo Luis

Iva Viana


ver exposição

Photos by Matilde Cunha


Este evento foi realizado pela associação Quarteirão Criativo e pelo Garagen-Campus.


A iniciativa foi financiada pela European Creative Hubs Network e pelo Goethe Institut Brussels, através do programa Twin Hubs, do Creative FLIP

Agradecemos ainda o apoio do Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, da Bardo Creative Ground, do CCBombarda, daCRU Creative Hub, da Circus Network, da Ó! Cerâmica, da  Senzu, da Confeitaria Nandinha, da FlyMedia, da Escama Films, da Matilde Cunha, e da Escola de Comércio do Porto.